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Publications Genoscope

Viral to metazoan marine plankton nucleotide sequences from the Tara Oceans expedition

Publié le 13 juin 2023
Viral to metazoan marine plankton nucleotide sequences from the Tara Oceans expedition
Date de publication 
Alberti A, Poulain J, Engelen S, Labadie K, Romac S, Ferrera I, Albini G, Aury JM, Belser C, Bertrand A, Cruaud C, Da Silva C, Dossat C, Gavory F, Gas S, Guy J, Haquelle M, Jacoby E, Jaillon O, Lemainque A, Pelletier E, Samson G, Wessner M, Acinas SG, Royo-Llonch M, Cornejo-Castillo FM, Logares R, Fernandez-Gomez B, Bowler C, Cochrane G, Amid C, Ten Hoopen P, De Vargas C, Grimsley N, Desgranges E, Kandels-Lewis S, Ogata H, Poulton N, Sieracki ME, Stepanauskas R, Sullivan MB, Brum JR, Duhaime MB, Poulos BT, Hurwitz BL, Pesant S, Karsenti E, Wincker P, Genoscope Tech T and Tara Oceans C
Année2 017
Département / Service
IG/Genoscope, UMR8030
LSeq, LIS-RD, LIS-DevGesProd, LAGE
Date de création 
Impact Factor 
url DOI10.1038/sdata.2017.93

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